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With 178 episodes, Charmed also holds the record for being the longest-running TV series featuring all-female leads! By featuring powerful witches who save the world on a weekly basis, it should not come as much of a surprise that gay men would naturally gravitate towards the show.

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Gay men have always gravitated towards strong female role models and Charmed certainly has plenty of those.

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Do you miss the days when the hit supernatural series ‘Charmed’ was still playing on TV screens? If you do, you’re definitely not the only one!ĭuring it’s run, Charmed developed a huge cult following among the gay community and we have a strong inkling that gay men had a lot to do with how Charmed managed to become the second-most watched television series on Netflix recently!īut what is it about Charmed that made gay men tick? Check out the following 7 reasons to explain the phenomenon of Charmed worship among the gay male community!

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